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Meeting – Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Chair – Marcia Lambert

Present: Marcia Lambert, Mary Ellen Halliwell, Sandra Power, Ellen Talkowsky, Judith Wolfe.   Absent:   Sam Fiore, Bev Moustakis , Maryanne Piechocki.  
The meeting began at 7:32 P.M.

The minutes of the meeting of January 24th were reviewed and accepted as written.       

1.  Clean Sweeps May 5th:  Ellen noted that a “Home Grown Arts Festival” for the Pedestrian Mallhas been planned for the  “Clean Sweeps” weekend  but is not yet scheduled plus that HAWC has scheduled a “Walk” for May 6th which would be our “Clean Sweeps” rain day.  The discussion also included plans to provide pizza for the cleanup volunteers and the need for additional rakes, brooms and dustpans for use in the clean up process.  .  She also suggested that students from the charter High School based on the Mall may be able to help maintain the Mall as a community service project.

2.   Plant Sale, May 19th: Tasks to be undertaken to prepare for this event include: marketing, ordering annuals, finding outdoor volunteers, signage, set up and breakdown procedures, raffle, and music.  Mary Ellen is to touch base with the Garden Club.  

 3.   Essex Street Mall progress: Marcia and Ellen met with Jennifer Bell of Main Streets.  It was decided that major planting is not anticipated.  The discussion considered what the local merchants might be willing to undertake.  Merchant sponsored Mall islands was suggested with appropriate signs noting the sponsorship.  A letter to the Merchants regarding the sponsorship opportunities posed by the Mall is be crafted by the Committee together with Jennifer Bell.

It was noted that the Garden Club has generously given the Committee $250.00 to be used for the purchase of annuals for the Mall.  Various color schemes were suggested.

4.   Lady of Salem: Mary Ellen reported on the status of the funding available for the project.  The project received a grant last year of $750.00.  In addition the Salem Cultural Council has contributed $500.00 and the Salem Five Bank has contributed $500.00.  Moreover as the project progresses, Home Depot will become a sponsor by setting up supplies for the artists.  The costs associated with becoming a sponsor of one of the figures were discussed.  The project subcommittee  has met with a number of interested businesses.   

 5.   New Members:  Suggestions for generating interest in membership in the Committee were offered.  Contacts and letters of invitation are to be followed up.

6.   Traffic Islands:   Sandi and Ellen are to contact current Island sponsors in April about renewing their contracts for the coming season.    It was suggested that the Trial Court Community Service Workers might be possible Island sponsors.   Other possible sponsors were discussed.
 7.   Other:  
        1. Discussion centered on an idea of Meg McMahon, co-president of the Garden Club, regarding a contest at Halloween.  Winners would be selected by visitors’ votes.  
        2.  Ellen distributed a copy of the Beautification Committee Funds report for discussion.

The meeting was adjourned by consensus at 8:52 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Judith Wolfe

Next Meeting: March 27, 2012
Chairperson:    Marcia Lambert